Evangelical pastor Jim Bakker is still hyping his “Silver Solution” — as a cure for the H5N1 virus and for HIV, and...
The 1980s were a bad time to be gay. In many states the orientation itself was still illegal. The social stigma of...
Turing Pharmaceuticals, the company that purchased AIDS medication Daraprim and raised its price by 5,000 percent, reported losses of $14.6 Million in...
The company plans to supply consumers with a far cheaper version of the life-saving drug used by AIDS and cancer patients, Daraprim.
A former hedge fund manager turned pharmaceutical entrepreneur has purchased the rights to a 62-year-old drug that fights parasitic infections, raising the...
This week, a California judge ruled that indoctrinating students on the need to remain celibate before marriage or that the only way...
Tennessee State Sen. Stacey Campfield (R) has been on a press junket to stump for an enhanced version of his controversial and...