Noted conspiracy theorist Alex Jones declared on his web show that the globalist attempt to take over America is now underway.
Republican front runner Donald Trump is embracing a new campaign tactic that sets him apart from nearly every other presidential candidate in...
This coming Friday, 2016 GOP presidential hopeful Rand Paul will be speaking at an event alongside a politician who raised a few...
It’s Alex Jones like you’ve never seen him before. He hesitates, he stumbles, and he’s clearly not prepared for Roberts’ pointed questions....
In the wake of rocker Ted Nugent’s string of racially inflammatory comments about the Trayvon Martin case, a gun control group is...
A video being circulated on the internet shows an angry Bostonian confronting a reporter from Alex Jones’ InfoWars. The four-minute clip shows...
Ties between right-wing journalist Matt Drudge and conspiracy theorist and Infowars founder Alex Jones have recently been publicly solidified, with the radio host...
This Thursday, Democratic Representative John Tierney slammed Republicans who were conducting a hearing that he charged were inspired by conspiracy theories. The...
In a week where much of the media was discredited for its abysmal reporting on the Boston bombing story, it’s now being...