Alt-right figurehead Richard Spencer thinks he influenced Trump's favorite anti-immigration hawk Stephen Miller.
It was just a matter of time, but an actual alt-right white nationalist just took over Republican Party post.
The Alt-Right's righteous cries about free speech were bullshit all along.
The leader of America's modern white supremacist movement seems pretty broke.
The figurehead of the racist alt-right movement is begging his followers for cash.
This is what happens when female voices of the Alt-Right feel the effects of the ideology they espouse.
Alt-right trolls got busted faking a sign during a protest at Columbia University.
In the wake of the violence and death during the Charlottesville rallies where white supremacists and counter-demonstrators clashed, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX)...
According to a University of Nevada student whose torch-wielding image went viral this Saturday, he's not the angry racist that the image...
One of Donald Trump's most vocal supporters showed up to Charlottesville, Virginia for the Alt-Right and neo-Nazi rally to lend his voice...