An elementary school art teacher lost his job for explaining to students one of the most common aspects of the subject he...
Polish born artist Paweł Kuczyński uses his paintbrush to satirize the world around him, pointing out the huge divide of wealth, to...
Netherlands-based sculptor Jennifer Townley’s creations are an amazing contradiction: the concepts are relatively simple, yet they are astoundingly complex.
In this video you will see 3-d printed sculptures designed to come to life when spinning under a strobe light.
Like them or hate them, people tend to cloak world leaders with an impenetrable sense of awe.
Illustrator Fran Krause asked people to tell him their most irrational fears so he could bring them to life and turn them...
You're laughing because you know it's true.
Here’s a unique idea that you’ve never seen before.
These drawings were all created bicycle tire treads.
Before mobile phones were invented, people would have had no choice but to interact.