The group Metroplex Atheists hosted an educational seminar this weekend designed to teach the public on the dangers of Christian nationalism. According...
Could this trend move across the pond to the United States as well?
Cory Booker joins the growing number of Dem candidates who are framing religion very differently this election cycle.
Megan Hunt's victory marks the first time an openly LGBT person has been elected to the Nebraska State Legislature.
Tucker Carlson thinks godless liberals are fostering a culture that threatens men.
Religious fundamentalists have a new bogeyman in Spain's atheist socialist prime minister.
Another reminder that some Christians want an ISIS-like caliphate here in the U.S.
A group of Democrats are initiating some pushback against allies of the president who are trying to erode the separation between church...
One thing is for sure: Josh Rosen won't be thanking God after a touchdown.
Robertson's attempt to help a grieving mother understand her child's death is perfect example of his immoral brand Christianity.