Jerry Falwell Jr. is getting another unsolicited bible lesson on Twitter.
A horrific story of child abuse and murder is coming out of Wisconsin.
AOC fired back at Sarah Sanders' contention that climate change should be left up to a "higher authority."
Time are changing, and newly-minted Senator Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) is making sure everyone knows that.
Andrew Wommack is blowing minds during his Tuesday night bible studies.
Religious fundamentalists have a new bogeyman in Spain's atheist socialist prime minister.
Another reminder that some Christians want an ISIS-like caliphate here in the U.S.
Rick Wiles thinks the solution to school shootings lies within the realm of spirits.
An Oregon principle and school resource officer have been fired after allegations of anti-LGBT discrimination surfaced at a local high school.
GQ Magazine almost kicked off another round of the Christian Crusades last week.