Usually when you’re going out of town and you ask someone to take care of your plants, you don’t expect them to...
Before mobile phones were invented, people would have had no choice but to interact.
He hated his car's color, but instead of getting a new paint job, he decided to utilize his artistic girlfriend’s skills to...
Little is known about autism, but the incredible gifts that some with this condition possess is outright astounding. Five-year-old Iris Grace from...
When Brazilian illustrator Rafael Mantesso divorced with his ex-wife, she took all of the furniture with her, leaving behind an empty house...
To the dismay of many kids around the world, summer is over and school is back in session. And as we listen...
Just in time for International Homeless Animal Day last week, we were fortunate to come across these heart-warming photos.
Wild mountain goats have developed a special talent that helps them survive – allegedly.
Since cats demand that no expense be spared for their luxurious comfort needs, here’s some genius cat furniture ideas that cat servants...
There are still people out there who put a considerable amount of effort into thinking up funny and witty greeting cards. Here...