The coronavirus outbreak has decimated our ad revenue. If you value DeadState and want us to keep publishing the content you love,...
Rest easy, chemtrail wackjobs. Trump has you covered — at least that’s according to Operation Freedom’s Dr. Dave Janda, who hasn’t seen...
The chemtrails conspiracy theory just got exponentially dumber.
Mark Taylor thinks Trump is God’s anointed and he says Democrats have the ability to control the weather. Don't laugh. He has...
You can't make this stuff up, but Liz Crokin sure can.
Chemtrail alarmists participate in a common tactic used by most conspiracy theorists called “anomaly hunting.”
With his op-ed titled “Sky Criminals,” Norris demands that more people join him in asking questions about “covert chemtrailing."
Conservative radio show host and all-around conspiracy nut Alex Jones said artists Prince and Merle Haggard‘s sudden “mysterious illness” and subsequent deaths are...
Arizona lawmakers recently selected Arizona state senator Sylvia Allen to lead a state education committee. Allen, a Republican from the district of Snowflake,...
Imagine if conspiracy nuts actually focused on the real issues.