Right-wing pastor Carl Gallups fervently supports President Donald Trump and he recently declared that progressives who hate Trump are demon-possessed. Appearing on...
Evangelical pastor Rodney Howard-Browne has a real fondness for making absurd statements, and this includes last week when he claimed President Trump...
Bill Deagle is still building on one of the dumbest conspiracy theories to emerge from the 2016 presidential campaign.
As the Trump administration puts children in detainment centers, Pastor Paul Begley would rather focus on a fraudulent "Deep State" conspiracy theory...
Mark Taylor has a new round of predictions to distract his followers from his past predictions that haven't come true.
The outrage machine that emerged after Michelle Wolf's takedown of Trumpism and the media is riddled with hypocrisy.
You can't make this stuff up, but Liz Crokin sure can.
Alex Jones is on the case once again.
According to a BuzzFeed report, Alex Jones lost his custody case this Thursday, with the couple receiving joint custody and Kelly Jones...
Noted conspiracy theorist Alex Jones declared on his web show that the globalist attempt to take over America is now underway.