Trump’s pick to manage a federal family planning program is anti-birth control

The late Christopher Hitchens once said that one of the most effective ways to bring women…

Teen pregnancies are way down and it’s not because they’re having less sex

Follow @deadstatetweets According to a new study, teen pregnancies have dropped dramatically, and it’s all…

Study: Anti-abortion laws have been a huge failure and contraception/sex ed works

Even though the right would have you think that there is a massive abortion epidemic,…

Pope Francis says contraception is okay for people threatened by the Zika virus

It's been a hell of a week for the enjoyably shame-filled relationship between religion and…

Report: Christian opposition to birth control is helping the Zika virus to ‘spread explosively’

With birth defects reaching unparalleled proportions as a result from the Zika virus, experts are…

Hypocrisy: Hobby Lobby invested in numerous abortion and contraception products while claiming religious objection

This op-ed first appeared in Forbes, 4/01/14 In what just may be the most stunning…