If Ken Hovind can disprove evolution like he claims, where is his Nobel Prize?
Creationist crusader Ken Ham bragged that the construction of his “Ark Encounter” theme park in Williamstown, Kentucky would bring lots of jobs...
The taxpayers of Kentucky will be forced to put their money towards a creationist theme park built by evolution-denying Christian fundamentalist Ken Ham,...
Genetics determine that you’ll most likely have your mom’s nose or your dad’s smile, oh…and the ear muscles of a Triassic mammal.
Christian fundamentalist, young Earth creationist, and reality-denying Ken Ham said in a recent Facebook post that teaching kids science amounts to “intellectual...
Not being able to answer the intellectual challenges of an 12-year-old probably doesn’t reflect well on your ideology. That’s what happened then the...
Evangelical creationist Kent Hovind claimed Monday that God had purposefully inserted contradictions into the Bible to “weed out” atheists and non-believers.
Arizona lawmakers recently selected Arizona state senator Sylvia Allen to lead a state education committee. Allen, a Republican from the district of Snowflake,...
A prominent creationist announced a new explanation for how humans were able to live and hunt with the Tyrannosaurus Rex.
According to a creationist author, dragons were once real creatures simply because they appear in the Bible.