According to David McAfee, the problem of "fake news" is hard to solve because it taps into our very nature as human...
A working paper from Yale University researchers pretty much confirms what you already knew about your fake news-sharing friends.
A recent string of lawsuits send a signal that Alex Jones and other purveyors of fake news are not immune to accountability...
If you want to make people think you're addressing a large audience, don't do it in front of reflective windows.
According to the graphic, Fox News is the least trusted network when it comes to cable news.
A new study suggests that voters' gullibility when it comes to fake news on the internet may have swayed the 2016 election...
An Oxford study is confirming what we already know.
Many warned that Trump's lashing out at the media could lead to violence. Here we are.
CNN's Jim Acosta gave an impromptu acceptance speech after his network won Trump's Fake News Awards.
Looks like Trump's Fake News Awards is a flop.