On the Friday edition of his show, Rush Limbaugh cheered supporters of President Trump who were protesting stay-at-home orders, saying that their...
A Japanese religious cult has offered an apology after helping to spark a measles outbreak across 20 prefectures.
Trump goes off-script during his prepared remarks at a Japanese state dinner.
We’ve shown you some bizarre androids before, but this latest one definitely takes the cake as far as the creep-factor is concerned.
Footage like this has never really been captured before, or since.
Of all the beauty nature has to offer, few things are more awe-inspiring and magical than a canopy of trees high over...
Some terrifying footage of the 2011 Japanese tsunami has recently surfaced, demonstrating how quickly the devastation overtook towns and roads — of...
A chilling video has been making the rounds recently, giving a sobering look into the preparations and execution of the bombing of...
A haunting new video of the 2011 tsunami in Japan has emerged, showing how quickly the situation changed from a curious rush...