The creepy Christian pro-Trump cult now apparently includes Mitch McConnell and Chuck Grassley
Don't forget that false rape accusations exist, and they usually target the most vulnerable of society.
Kat Kerr says God gave her a vision of aborted babies in heaven celebrating Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation. She also thinks volcanoes listen...
Mark Taylor thinks Trump is God’s anointed and he says Democrats have the ability to control the weather. Don't laugh. He has...
For a lot of evangelical Christians, it doesn't matter whether or not Brett Kavanaugh lied under oath regarding sexual accusations against him.
Rick Wiles thinks Christine Blasey Ford is a CIA mind control plant.
A significant percentage of Republicans are now taking on the role of being apologists for sexual assault.
Dave Daubenmire always find a way to take the world of vile right-wing Christian-themed conspiracy theories to a new low.