The coronavirus outbreak has decimated our ad revenue. If you value DeadState and want us to keep publishing the content you love,...
The coronavirus outbreak has negatively impacted ad revenue for our website. If you value DeadState and want to see us continue to...
Louisiana pastor Tony Spell has openly flouted the executive order that bans churches from having large gatherings, and now his lawyer, Jeff...
While many churches will host Easter Sunday services online, pastor Tony Spell defiantly maintains his Life Tabernacle Church, near Baton Rouge, Louisiana,...
Louisiana pastor Anthony “Tony” Spell has made a name for himself by stubbornly refusing to shutter his Baton Rouge-based Life Tabernacle Church...
On the CNN program New Day Weekend, host Victor Blackwell had some questions for a Louisiana pastor whose church continues to hold...
A right-wing Louisiana pastor remains defiant after being charged with violating an executive order that bans churches from holding large gatherings. Pastor...
Another right-wing pastor is in trouble with the law for flouting a ban on large gatherings while the novel coronavirus continues its...