So-called “journalist” Liz Crokin, who not long ago characterized North Korea leader Kim Jong Un as misunderstood and not a “monster” and...
Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee (R) had praise for “real” reporter Liz Crokin on Twitter last week as he lambasted “media goons”...
Self-proclaimed “journalist” and conspiracy theorist Liz Crokin has a new scoop: According to her, Kim Jong Un isn’t human rights-abusing monster the...
Right-wing “journalist” Liz Crokin has a rather unusual theory about Tom Hanks because he made a movie about a red shoe. Crokin,...
For people who are adherents to the QAnon conspiracy theory, making it up as you go along is mandatory, and wackjob Trump-loving...
If you haven’t heard of Liz Crokin, here’s a brief rundown: She once claimed that there’s a Hillary Clinton sex tape that proves Pizza Gate...
After her Twitter ban, Liz Crokin is desperately trying to get her "QAnon" conspiracy theories out to her followers, and it's obvious...
Far-right Trump cultist Liz Crokin once again reveals why the word "deplorable" is appropriate.
Liz Crokin is a reminder that the dumbest corners of the pro-Trump web are still wielding influence over gullible people.
The pro-Trump right-wing's latest crackpot conspiracy theory just got stupider.