AOC fired back at Sarah Sanders' contention that climate change should be left up...
Tomi Lahren may bitten off more that she can chew with her latest Twitter...
Rick Wiles is so patriotic, he wants the military to round up Americans who...
This article has been updated to reflect a more current analysis of what happened...
Attorneys for Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin say former Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis should...
Unfurling a Trump 2020 flag is how a group of Minneapolis high school students...
DeadState's Caitlin Cohen gives her take on the confrontation between the MAGA hat kids,...
After years of psychologically damaging confused gay men, an unapologetic David Matheson announced that...
A horrific story of child abuse and murder is coming out of Wisconsin.
In some parts of the country, Christopher Columbus is starting to be recognized for...
As expected, the Religious Right sees nothing wrong with Steve King's racism.
The Golden State Warriors are once again skipping the White House, this time meeting...
AOC thinks Howard Schultz should get some political experience first before running for president.
Ann Coulter is going after Trump again, this time calling him a "wimp" for...
Police are looking for two masked white men who attacked actor Jussie Smollett in...
Kim Davis is in danger of being on the hook for $255,000, and she's...
A county known for its high amount of anti-vaxxers is changing its tune after...
Liz Crokin is giving a case study in what happens when conspiracy theories don't...
This Friday, the steps of the Washington State Legislature were filled with parents who've...
California is giving a big F-you to the Trump administration.