As a result of the coronavirus outbreak, ad revenue for our website has dropped considerably. If you value DeadState and want to...
David Ermold want to take the seat of the woman who denied him the right to marry.
This Monday, the American Civil Liberties Union of Kentucky filed a lawsuit in federal court looking to recover $233,058 in legal fees,...
Members of the Mormon religion are threatening to leave the church over last week's decree that LDS children of same-sex couples may...
Kim Davis is now starting the right-wing talk show circuit, and her cluelessness is worse than we imagined.
The first celebrity name form the Ashley Madison hack has been outed, and it’s none other than family values champion and reformed...
Hate groups and conspiracy nuts always have a stash of experts and doctors who they can rely on to regurgitate their propaganda....
In Uganda’s parliament 4 years ago, a bill was introduced that would criminalize same-sex relations, even resulting in the death sentence. Although...
In a groundbreaking attempt to study children raised in families headed by same-sex couples, results have shown that these children are not...