Some saw the encounter between the Christian fundamentalist Pence and Ireland's first gay couple...
When it comes to posting the DUI mughots of politicians, turnabout is fair play.
Candace Owens was put on the hot seat during her testimony before the House...
Some people want to talk about the shooter. Let's talk about Naeem Rashid.
Backlash is growing after a Pennsylvania lawmaker seemed to preempt the swearing in of...
AOC took to Twitter this week and made two Fox News personalities go viral.
Fox issued a correction for the "inaccurate" graphic later in the day.
Washington is the latest state to ramp up the pressure on Trump to release...
In the wake of the college cheating scandal, Jared Kushner's alleged fraudulent admission into...
A California mother is angry after parents who refused to vaccinate their child put...
Pat Robertson didn't do a very good job quelling the fears of a woman...
Italy's Massimiliano Fedriga is a walking example of why vaccination is necessary.
Local politicians are behind a string of defeats for the restaurant chain.
Dr. Dre says his daughter got into USC on her own merits.
Trump is giving his *unique* takes on technology and science again.
This isn't the first time Trump has called for slashing funding to public broadcasting.
State Rep. Tony Tinderholt wants women who have abortions to be prosecuted as murderers.
Glenn Beck went on Sean Hannity's show this Monday and delivered.
Paul Ryan may have inadvertently come up with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's reelection campaign slogan.
A man from Manchester is giving free lessons on how to be a Christian.