Huckabee tried a new approach to his anti-immigration rhetoric by sarcastically mocking liberals who support Syrian refugees.
This past weekend, GOP presidential candidates Mike Huckabee, Bobby Jindal, and Ted Cruz spoke at Pastor Kevin Swanson's National Religious Liberties Conference....
Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee, and Bobby Jindal are all scheduled to speak at the upcoming “National Religious Liberties Conference” in Iowa next...
Huckabee, is, of course, no stranger to telling people to break the law.
This man wants to be president. He also just voiced support for the worst of American's historical sins -- slavery.
Kim Davis is now starting the right-wing talk show circuit, and her cluelessness is worse than we imagined.
CNN anchor Alisyn Camerota asked Huckabee about Charee Stanley, a Muslim flight attendant for ExpressJet who was recently fired for refusing to...
Appearing in MSNBC’s Morning Joe this Wednesday, Mike Huckabee found himself on the receiving end of some powerful logic via hosts Joe...
When someone invokes the horror of the Holocaust to get their point across, there’s a good chance that they either have a...
While speaking in Iowa this Thursday, Mike Huckabee said that he would use the National Guard or the FBI to stop abortions...