In an interview with The New York Post, Lucian Wintrich, the gay far-right Trump supporter who founded “Twinks4Trump,” discussed the “corona potluck”...
A court in Dresden, Germany, banned the sale of beer during a festival in Ostritz this weekend, hoping that the action would...
Comedian and political columnist Dean Obeidallah, a longtime critic of President Donald Trump, won a $4.1 million lawsuit against a neo-Nazi website...
Obama jumped backed into the political fray this Friday and gave a scathing condemnation of Trumpism.
According to Obama, the state of modern politics in America is comparable to Europe in the 20s and 30s.
The former Speaker of the House used some interesting language when describing a few of his former colleagues.
About three dozen white nationalists led by alt-right racist Richard Spencer have once again converged on the Charlottesville park where a statue...
The footage doesn’t do justice to the horror, but it’s just another way to make sure we don’t forget.
Hessy Taft was an incredibly cute baby who was chosen for the cover of a Nazi magazine with the intention of showing...
Footage has leaked from this Tuesday’s GQ Awards showing comedian Russell Brand slamming the event’s sponsor, Hugo Boss, who has a history...