A landscaper was banned from an Orlando neighborhood after making a bold political statement with his lawnmower.
According to PolitiFact, Democratic hopeful Bernie Sanders is the only candidate running for president that did not earn the lowest rating, Pants...
In the face of widespread criticism of his handling of the Flint water crisis, Governor Rick Snyder of Michigan announced Monday that...
As Americans vote for the next president of the United States, Texas Republicans will be meeting next month to decide if they...
Republican presidential candidate John Kasich snapped when he was asked during an interview with a group of reporters on why he only...
Fox News host Mike Baker thinks the purely symbolic "National Day of Reason” legislation, which is currently circulating through the house, is...
Earlier this week on his radio program, conservative talking head, doomsday prophet, and conspiracy theorist Glenn Beck answered a call from a young...
According to Pop Crunch host Hasan Piker, Mississippi's new anti-gay bill is the LGBT version of Jim Crow laws because it “essentially...
While Republican presidential hopeful Ted Cruz may have won big in the Wisconsin primary by beating GOP front-runner Donald Trump by double...
Politicians around the world are feeling a different kind of Bern as many are being outed for tax evasion after the so-called...