Pseudoscience is getting some pushback.
Here's a few of what may be the real reasons some parents allow themselves to become anti-vaxxers:
Donald Trump believes in two incredibly stupid ideas: the first is that vaccines cause autism, and the second is that massive amounts...
Genetically modified food has sparked an intense debate these last few years. As the science has weighed in, there still is a...
Vani Hari, better know for her online name “Food Babe,” is famous for her health-minded food crusades. But as her popularity grows,...
Thanks to the debunked theories that have been perpetuated by celebrities and pseudoscience websites, only about 51% of Americans believe that vaccines...
An 11 year-old Ontario girl, whose family allowed her to refuse chemo treatment in favor of alternative ‘faith based’ medicine for her...
A Tacoma Washington foster mother says that she’d rather lose the child she’s caring for than submit to a mandatory flu shot...
Garry Trudeau is an American icon, mainly because he was ahead of the curve on so many social issues. Long before it...
A tragically hilarious video from the early days of YouTube is a reminder that conspiracy thinking has been around long before the...