According to Louizandre Dauphin, he was just looking for a quiet place to read a book by C.S. Lewis when he parked...
A former New York detective said on Monday that African-Americans are “prone to criminality,” and that activists should stop claiming that black...
According to various sources, over a hundred incidents of racist abuse and hate crimes have been reported across the UK in the...
A group of Muslim women were kicked out of an ultra-chic Laguna Beach, California cafe last weekend when an employee “asked them...
With all the pre-Oscar buzz surrounding the predominantly white nominee base at the 88th Academy Awards, host Chris Rock brilliantly handled the...
Jerry Falwell Jr., son of the crackpot founder of the creationist college Liberty University, had some choice words when it came to...
The body art policy for the Marine Corps forbids anything that is "sexist, racist, eccentric or offensive in nature." Because it is...
Another racist Donald Trump supporter.
A children's book entitled A Birthday Cake for George Washington has been pulled from publication by Scholastic after the sane, non-racist public...
A $10,000 reward for a video depicting “thousands of Muslims” celebrating in New Jersey after 9/11, still remains unclaimed despite efforts.