Trump’s spiritual adviser warns that opposition to Trump is opposition to ‘the hand of God’

This Monday, televangelist and doomsday prepper Jim Bakker interviewed President Trump's "spiritual adviser" Paula White,…

Christian pastor: ‘There would be no white supremacists if it weren’t for Obama’

Speaking in a video posted to his Facebook page this weekend, right-wing Christian pastor Rick…

Pat Robertson wants you to know that Eric Bolling did not send those d*ck pics

On his 700 Club program this Monday, Pat Robertson tackled the latest sexually-charged scandal over…

Kim Davis’s lawyer: Not our problem if Kentucky taxpayers have to pay $200K in legal bills

Two years after Kim Davis ended her crusade against gay marriage by way of the…

Jim Bakker scares Christians into thinking salvation depends on their love for Trump

As reported by Right Wing Watch, televangelist Jim Bakker spent most of his show this…

Jim Bakker promotes his apocalypse-ready food buckets with horrific ‘Staying Alive’ cover

Since getting out of prison, televangelist Jim Bakker has resumed profiting off his talents as…

Michele Bachmann: Trump is ‘increasing an awareness of God in the United States’

Former Minnesota congresswoman Michele Bachmann is convinced that President Trump is a man of God,…

Christian prophet: Trump is bringing ‘divine justice’ down on Hillary’s ‘satanic pedophile rings’

These days, when a someone identifies themselves as a "prophet" of the Christian persuasion, it…

Christian activist: Defund Planned Parenthood and God’s healing will replace healthcare

Gordon Klingenschmitt used to be a Colorado state legislator, but now he's a "Christian activist"…

Christian TV host: ‘I stand with Russia because Americans are Satanists’

If anyone can outdo televangelist Jim Bakker's wacky statements, it's his favorite End Times conspiracist…