On the Friday edition of his show, Rush Limbaugh cheered supporters of President Trump who were protesting stay-at-home orders, saying that their...
Limbaugh broke from his usual Trump praise this Wednesday.
Just days after claiming Hurricane Irma was a liberal media conspiracy, radio host Rush Limbaugh will be evacuating from South Florida.
On his radio program this Tuesday, Rush Limbaugh slammed the media for focusing so much coverage on Hurricane Irma, accusing news outlets...
Despite debuting at number 1 on Amazon's non-fiction chart, the book sold just 18,000 copies in the U.S., which was well below...
On his radio show this week, Rush Limbaugh floated a new conspiracy theory, suggesting that the National Hurricane Center is “playing games”...
Rush Limbaugh has quite an extensive history of saying factually-challenged things, But a Facebook post from late September that I recently stumbled...
On the September 28 edition of The Rush Limbaugh Show, host Rush Limbaugh gave a dire warning to his listeners about the...
Limbaugh is attempting to create hysteria in response to the 15th annual Nationwide LGBT rural summit, which took place in Iowa on...
During a segment on Tuesday’s edition of the Rush Limbaugh show, host Rush Limbaugh, like his fellow conservative pundit Bill O’Reilly, thinks...