An Alaska borough that finally allowed a member of The Satanic Temple to deliver an invocation last month may end the practice...
Satanic Temple member Iris Fontana delivered the invocation for the Kenai Peninsula Borough on Tuesday, prompting several members of the assembly and...
If you listen closely, you can hear the heads of Pat Robertson and Franklin Graham exploding.
Some Indiana residents are in freakout mode after signs commemorating the Satanic Temple's trash cleanup effort were erected around town.
The Satanic Temple once again shows its mastery at trolling religious conservatives who try to push religion in the public sector.
The Satanic Temple is using the religious right's own tactics against them to challenge a Missouri abortion law.
You know someone's morals are out of whack when it takes Satanists to remind them that beating children is wrong.
The LGBT community is getting some support from the most effective troll operation against right-wing Christians ever arise on social media: The...
The Satanic Temple proves once again that they're the best when it comes to trolling Christians.
According to an attorney representing the Mount Vernon School District in the state of Washington, the so-called "After-School Satan" club proposed by...