Artist Alejandro Guijarro spent three years traveling to the quantum mechanics departments of Cambridge, Stanford, Berkeley, Oxford and other universities, taking photographs...
In an incredible achievement for science, vaginal canals grown from a patient’s own cells have been successfully transferred to the body for...
Not many people are lucky enough to get life advice at the age of 6 from Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson.
Here’s a fascinating video we came across that you have to see. From ScienceDump: Sometimes our eyes and brain can’t work together...
If your partying days are over, then you’ll be interested to know that you won’t need to put a tab on your...
The first trailer for a new film gives viewers a chance to see Eddie Redmayne (My Week with Marilyn, Les Misérables) physically...
Aside from defending climate science and battling creationists, Cosmos star Neil deGrasse Tyson has taken a strong stand on another controversial scientific...
Now here’s a ‘salt-of-the-earth’ concept that we can all get behind.
According to scientists, the piece of music you’re about to hear is the most relaxing melody ever recorded.
It’s one thing when religious fundamentalists teach their beliefs as facts – especially to children. But what about when they completely misconstrue...