Outside of the rally officially kick-starting off the re-election bid for President Donald Trump, a few rally-goers were stopped from entering the...
Trump supporters can now find safe spaces with the help of technology.
Trump supporters unplugged is a scary and fascinating thing.
An Oxford study is confirming what we already know.
This weekend, CNN's Alisyn Camerota hosted a panel discussion with Trump voters, and like similar panels before, she questioned them on how...
This Tuesday, the Auschwitz Memorial condemned U.S. GOP Rep. Clay Higgins for posting a video of himself speaking inside a former gas...
It's a perfect example of how some of Trump's most loyal supporters are innately adversarial to the the concept of America.
President Trump's trip to Saudi Arabia is exposing the hypocrisy of his campaign rhetoric in a surreally clear fashion...
On this Friday edition of Real Time, host Bill Maher told viewers that rational debate with Trump's most vocal supporters is a...
Trump's border wall and his anti-Mexican rhetoric was a driving force for many of his supporters in Texas.