Firefighters are upset with Trump after he seemingly blamed the state of California for...
Trump set the stage for one of his biggest critics to make him look...
Rick Wiles has another dire prediction that he'll conveniently forget about when it doesn't...
Trump supporters unplugged is a scary and fascinating thing.
Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne wants to see Ruth Bader Ginsburg executed for treason.
Once again, a person promoting harmful anti-gay pseudoscience turns out to be immune to...
Christian grifter Mark Taylor rationalizing why his crackpot prophecies don't come true is required...
Pat Robertson once again shows that his Christian morality is a sham.
Ted Cruz isn't getting any love from his hometown newspaper, the Houston Chronicle.
A Michigan pharmacist is out of a job after refusing to fill a woman's...
Obama mixed it up with some hecklers at a campaign rally in Miami, Florida...
A hilarious viral video nails the hypocrisy of modern day pro-Trump evangelical Christians.
Trump's hysteria-inducing rhetoric about the migrant caravan has inspired right-wing militia groups to take...
A Michigan pharmacist's cited his religious beliefs for refusing to help a woman who...
Far-right Trump cultist Liz Crokin once again reveals why the word "deplorable" is appropriate.
The poor judgement of some teachers in an Idaho town has the school district...
A huge influx of support for a fundraiser organized by Muslim groups for the...
On top of suspending CNN reporter Jim Acosta's press credentials, the White House is...
North Dakota's draconian ID laws were designed to block Native Americans from voting, and...
Pat Robertson, unlike Trump, is starting to realize that being an apologist for the...