
The FBI is now investigating the mysterious death of Sandra Bland in a Texas jail cell

deadstate Sandra Bland

In the wake of the mysterious death on July 13 of Sandra Bland while in police custody, the Texas Department of Public Safety has announced the FBI is now officially involved in the investigation.

In the wake of the mysterious death on July 13 of Sandra Bland while in police custody, the Texas Department of Public Safety has announced the FBI is now officially involved in the investigation.

The DPS initially found that one of the officers involved in the traffic stop that led to Bland’s arrest had violated department policy.

In the preliminary review of the traffic stop that occurred in Prairie View on July 10, 2015, involving Sandra Bland, we have identified violations of the department’s procedures regarding traffic stops and the department’s courtesy policy.

Pending the outcome of the Texas Ranger and FBI investigation into this incident, the employee involved has been assigned administrative duties. At the conclusion of this investigation, any violations of protocols will be addressed.

There were reportedly, no cameras in Bland’s cell, but District Attorney Elton Mathis said during a press conference that cameras placed outside the cell didn’t show anyone entering or leaving in the hour before she was discovered dead.

“At no point in the video does it appear that anyone goes into that cell and harms her in any way,” Mathis said. “It appears she had used a trash bag to hang herself from a partition in the ceiling, which was used to give inmates privacy.”

From ColorLines.com:

On Thursday, the Texas Commission on Jail Standards cited Waller County Jail—where Bland was held—for not properly monitoring a suicidal inmate and for poor training in handling potentially suicidal and mentally ill inmates. Officers are supposed to personally observe people who been arrested once an hour. And if Bland had presented as suicidal, they should have checked on her every 30 minutes. Waller County Jail was cited in 2012 when an inmate used a sheet to hang himself.

Watch video of Bland’s arrest below:

Featured image via Photography Is Not A Crime

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  1. Sharon

    July 21, 2015 at 12:38 am

    That young beautiful woman did not strike me as being suicidal! She was all for her rights and believed in social media. She complained about her head being slammed into the ground. That Police Officer is (one way or the other) Responsible for her death!

  2. Simon Peters

    July 21, 2015 at 5:39 am

    It seems extraordinary to me that people in America accept as normal the routine manhandling by the police that occurs when they arrest someone for what may be quite trivial offences. Tragedies at the point of arrest, as we have seen recently, will continue to occur. It is long overdue that the police forces of America be reminded that they are public servants, and that members of the public are entitled to be treated with respect. The everyday throwing of suspects to the ground, on occasion with no provocation, and when the suspect offers little or no threat, should be discontinued.

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