
The Secret Service had to protect an MSNBC reporter after Donald Trump singled her out during a rally

In an op-ed for Marie Claire, MSNBC reporter Katy Tur revealed that she had to utilize the protection of Secret Service agents after Donald Trump launched into personal attack against her during a South Carolina rally.

According to Jezebel, Tur caught the sight of Trump’s radar when she started live-tweeting protests at an earlier rally held by the GOP nominee.

All Tur did was her job. She reported that the protests were effective and eventually forced Trump to leave the stage.

She writes:

In the hours that followed, Trump took his complaints public, trashing me and CBS News reporter Sopan Deb for the coverage.

“@KatyTurNBC & @DebSopan [sic] should be fired for dishonest reporting,” he tweeted. “@KatyTurNBC, 3rd rate reporter & @SopanDeb @CBS lied.”

He demanded I apologize.

I didn’t, so Trump decided to go further in [South Carolina], pointing his finger squarely at me and launching a personal attack as millions of Americans watched at home.

During the rally in S.C., Trump called Tur out by name.

“She’s back there. Little Katy. She’s back there,” Trump sneered, as he called her a “third rate” reporter who tweeted a “lie.”

Tur recounts how the crowd quickly turned its ire towards her, booing her and getting aggressive “like a large animal, angry and unchained.”

As the Secret Service walked her to her car, she says that’s when the gravity of what happened “sank in.” After the incident, Tur says she’s received numerous anonymous threats and is the subject of a constant stream of harassment in social media.

Trump’s history of personal attacks are no secret, but the fact that women are his targets more often than not is troubling.

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  1. Mike

    March 8, 2018 at 4:57 pm

    Donald trump and the republicans are anything but Christ-like in action or belief.
    Follow the word and actions as written in the bible and you will pray and show empathy instead of hate and ignorance to other human beings.

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