This anti-vaxxer children’s book tells kids that getting the measles is a good thing

So this actually exists: back in 2012, an anti-vaxxer children’s book was published titled Melanie’s Marvelous Measles, and it’s getting a second look now for obvious reasons.

Thankfully, the folks over a Wonkette paid a few bucks to get the Kindle version so we wouldn’t have to. As you might expect, it’s joyful little story based on the junk science notion that parents should be okay with the prospect of their kids contracting measles – because it only make them that much stronger for adulthood.

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Translation: Don’t get vaccinated and just let your body’s natural immune system do all the work!

The book tells the story of a girl named Tina whose never been vaccinated, who soon learns that her best friend Melanie has contracted measles. Since Tina’s little brother was very sick after he had his shots,” her mom and dad “played it safe and Tina didn’t have any shots at all and she has been a very healthy child.”

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Unfortunately, a class bully tried to strike fear into her heart by telling her “you’re going to die if you don’t get vaccinated!” But another unvaccinated kid in her class reassures her that she needn’t worry:

“Well, I know that isn’t true because I haven’t had any vaccinations and I am still alive!”

That really put the bully in his place.

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After school that day, Tina’s mother gives her a good talking to:

“For most children it is a good thing to get measles,” Tina’s mother reassured her.

“Many wise people believe measles make the body stronger and more mature for the future,” she concluded.

Her mom then explained that in the good old days, when someone had chicken pox, all the parents would send their children to play at that kid’s house:

“They hoped their children would get the disease and then have natural, lifelong immunity,” the mom says proudly.

“Can we go and visit Melanie so I can catch her measles?” Tina asked.

“That sounds like a great idea,” laughed Tina’s mother. “Let’s take her some carrot juice and melon to help her get strong and recover from the measles.”

From Wonkette:

And so it’s off to Melanie’s house for an infect-a-thon! Melanie is really proud of the spots all over her tummy, and says they don’t itch at all! And it turns out that Melanie had even been vaccinated, but it didn’t do a bit of good, because the doctor said Melanie’s was “the worst case of measles he’s seen in years” (although the book also asserts that apart from the spots and feeling “very hot for a day or two,” children are completely unharmed by the disease).

“So much for being vaccinated!” Melanie’s mom exclaims. There’s some argle-bargle about how the Vitamin A in melon and carrot juice is actually what keeps you from getting measles, also too.

You’re probably wondering if Tina ends up getting measles. She doesn’t, which makes her a VERY rare case since measles has a 90 percent transmission rate in the real world. But Tina’s in good shape “because her immune system was in good condition because she eats lots of fresh, raw food, and also because she plays in the sunshine daily and drinks plenty of water.”

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Jared, the evil pro-vaccination bully, gets measles, but this is because vaccines are a hoax and the fact that Jared just a lot of junk food doesn’t help his situation.

“I hope the measles make his body stronger and more mature and that he learns to eat more fresh foods so he can take better care of his body,” Tina thinks to herself, reflecting on Jared.

“Maybe I’ll be lucky enough to catch measles next time someone we know has them!” Tina says to her mom.

Here’s a rundown on the author of this horrible book, via Australian Skeptics:

Originally self-published a year ago by Queensland-based anti-vaccination campaigner Stephanie Messenger, Melanie’s Marvelous Measles was republished in January of this year by independent publishing service, Trafford Publishing, an [organization] that offers “print-on-demand” services for authors who wish to be published, and who can stump up the fees to do so. The company also offers design and marketing services, all at various prices according to the level of service provided. This process used to be called “vanity press”.


Messenger claims that, 30 years ago, her one-year-old son died of vaccine-related issues: “Vaccination killed him, I have no doubt. If he crawled under the sink and drank the same poisonous concoction of heavy metals, formaldehyde, foreign proteins, multiple viruses and a host of other toxins, the emergency room would have called it poisoning. Because it was injected into his body, it’s called ‘a coincidence’!”

Doctors at the time, however, suggested that her son was suffering from a genetic condition called Alexander’s Disease.

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