
This artist portrays world leaders doing their ‘daily duty’

Like them or hate them, people tend to cloak world leaders with an impenetrable sense of awe.

Like them or hate them, people tend to cloak world leaders with an impenetrable sense of awe.

Absent a giant scandal, it’s easy to forget that big stage politicians are just as fallible as us. But taking that notion down to an even more base level is a brilliant artist from Italy named Cristina Guggeri.

In a series of pieces entitled “The Daily Duty,”Guggeri shows some of your favorite (or least favorite) world figures having a quiet moment on the toilet.


Barack Obama duty 1
Queen Elizabeth II duty 2
Vladimir Putin duty 3
Angela Merkel duty 4
Pope Francis duty 5
Silvio Berlusconi duty 6
David Cameron duty 7
The Dalai Lama duty 8
Benjamin Netanyahu duty 9



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