Not sure how I missed this, but in an interview last month with conservative radio host Rusty Humphries, Dave Brat (R-Va) claimed that the Islamic State has set in a training camp in the state of Texas.
“In our country, now it looks like we have an ISIS center in Texas now that’s been reported last week, the Virginia GOPer said, using a debunked report from a right wing conspiracy group as his source.
“You can’t make up what a terrible problem this is,” he said, “and the political parties are just blind to it because the money, it causes blinders on their eyes. They can’t see reality clearly.”
There seems to be a theme of conservative politicians incorporating conspiracy theories into their public talking points as of late. From Arizona senator Kelli Ward entertaining chemtrail conspiracy nuts, to Rand Paul feeling compelled to address the bizarre Walmart “death dome” silliness, it seems like appealing to the worst of their fringe base is still a strategy that’s in play.
Listen to Brat’s comments in the audio below, via Right Wing Watch:
[Featured image credit: AP]