Despicable People

Tomi Lahren: Immigrants who seek asylum with their children are ‘sh*tty parents’

What would you do if you and your family were being threatened by a violent drug cartel and had nowhere to turn to? What if you knew these threats would result in certain death if you simply tried to go on with your daily life and ignore them? If you’re a parent who loves your children, you know exactly what you’d do: you’d do everything in your power to save the life of your family and seek refuge. For many people living in Mexico and Central America, gathering up their children and escaping to the US to seek asylum is the only option. But according to conservative commentator Tomi Lahren, these people are simply bad parents — criminally bad parents at that.

Lahren thinks these kinds of life choices are simple.

“If you traipse your kid 2,000 miles in dangerous conditions you’re not only a criminal, you’re a sh*tty parent,” she tweeted this Tuesday.

What can one say about this sort of blanket dismissal of the suffering of fellow human beings? A criminal? What are these parents to do? Simply stay in their current situations as cartels rule their towns with the same genocidal brutality as ISIS? While immigration is a nuanced debate for sure, the tragic reality is that many parents are ‘traipsing’ their kids 2,000 miles because they’re escaping death. It’s a human thing to do.

In the comment thread beneath Lahren’s tweet, most people agreed that her take was as oblivious as it is cruel.

This comment stood out to me:

“These conservatives don’t realize what these parents know. The certainty of what they left behind is more terrifying than the uncertainty of what they may arrive towards. People who make these journeys are heroes.”

Grow a soul, Tomi.

Featured image via screen grab/Fox Nation

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