Women's Health

Tomi Lahren on AOC’s call for birth control access: ‘Never thought this would happen, but I agree”

As conservatives attack Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez‘s recent comparison of ICE detention centers to “concentration camps,” she’s getting support from a high-profile conservative on another matter — birth control.

In a recent tweet, conservative commentator and Fox News host Tomi Lahren announced that she agrees with AOC’s call for over-the-counter birth control without a prescription.

“Never thought this would happen, but I agree with @AOC birth control should be available over-the-counter,” Lahren tweeted this Tuesday.

“Working women don’t have a lot of spare time-removing the doctor’s visit burden would be helpful,” she added. “Acknowledging that doesn’t make me feminist, makes me a realist!”

Lahren was referring to a tweet fired off by AOC earlier this month where she declared in simple terms, “Birth control should be over-the-counter, pass it on.”

The tweet led to another unexpected supporter, namely Texas GOP Senator Ted Cruz, who on June 12 retweeted AOC’s post and said he agreed.

Lahren has been an outspoken critic of her fellow conservatives with it comes to social issues like abortion. Last month, she slammed abortion bans being enacted into law in states like Alabama and Georgia, saying that she knew she’d come under attack for taking a stance on the issue.

“I will be attacked by fellow conservatives for saying this but so be it, this Alabama abortion ban is too restrictive,” she tweeted on May 16. “It doesn’t save life, it simply forces women into more dangerous methods, other states or countries.”

That same day, Lahren was attacked by far-right commentator Faith Goldy, who mocked Lahren’s “80 IQ” take on the subject.

“Your 80 IQ ‘it doesn’t save a life’ take is anti-Christian, anti-family, and anti-freedom as all liberty depends on life,” Goldy wrote in a now-deleted tweet. “‘More dangerous methods’? Nothing ‘dangerous’ about Christ & placing a quarter between your knees. Those are my final thoughts.”

Lahren didn’t mince words in her response.

“If you think banning abortion with no exception for rape or incest will stop women from terminating pregnancy, you’re not being honest with yourself,” Lahren shot back. “P.S. you’re not God so don’t you dare evaluate my Christian faith based on your moral superiority complex.”

Lahren’s agreement with AOC on the subject of over-the-counter birth control was met with skepticism from some of her conservative fans.

“I get that it is way more practical to buy over the counter,” Twitter user @AnjaMerleSchulz replied. “But taking a hormone without consulting a doctor seems really scary to me. I wish that I had been told more about the side effects when I started taking it and it was prescribed by a doctor. Patients need transparency.”

One person snarkily responded that birth control is already widely accessible.

“It’s available now, they are called condoms,” @Jpullen20 wrote. 

Featured image via screen grab/YouTube

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