
Tony Perkins says evolution doesn’t exist, then uses evolution to prove homosexuality is wrong

Appearing as a guest on the conservative radio show Washington Watch yesterday, Family Research Council head Tony Perkins didn’t seem to appreciate Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton’s ‘evolution’ on gay marriage – which naturally prompted one listener to call in and remind us that evolution isn’t real anyway.

Appearing as a guest on the conservative radio show Washington Watch yesterday, Family Research Council head Tony Perkins didn’t seem to appreciate Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton’s ‘evolution’ on gay marriage – which naturally prompted one listener to call in and remind us that evolution isn’t real anyway.

Perkins was in full agreement, saying that the “evidence is overwhelming” that the theory of evolution is a fraud – but then seemed to use it as a means to discredit the natural existence of homosexuality, saying that Hillary and Obama should oppose gay rights if “we are constantly in this state of evolution.”

If you logically game this out, the idea that somehow same-sex marriage or same-sex attraction, homosexuality, could be the advancement of evolution, well, it would be the end of the road. It is a dead-end street. You’re certainly not going to reproduce.

Listen, via Right Wing Watch:

[Featured image credit: AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana]



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