
Top Scientology leaders caught on video harassing an ex member at L.A. airport

A former executive of the Church of Scientology has posted video footage showing high-ranking members of the church yelling obscenities and harassing him in a Los Angeles airport.

The video is the first public glimpse of the secretive church’s top management in four years. The footage, posted by Mark Rathbun this Sunday, shows Marc Yager, Dave Bloomberg and Jennifer Linson Devocht — three executives who report to church president David Miscavige. The church members can be seen yelling at Rathbun, telling him to “get a life,” that his criticism of the church has had “no effect,” and “nobody gives a f*ck about you.”

Mark Rathbun has been a vocal critic of Scientology since he defected from the church’s leadership back in 2004. During his 27 years in the church, Rathbun rose to the top echelons of leadership, where he was responsible for “auditing” new recruits.

The video gives “a very rare glimpse at the personalities who are actually running Scientology at the highest levels,” Rathbun told the International Business Times.

According to Rathbun, Scientology’s top leaders have not been seen in public since appearing on a CNN exposé in 2010. “No one has [seen or heard] of them since.”

This isn’t the first time Rathbun has experienced intimidation tactics by church executives. In 2011, members of the church appeared at Rathbun’s house in Corpus Christi, Texas armed with video cameras, and proceeded to harass Rathbun on his front porch.

Watch Rathbun’s confrontation with Scientology church leaders at LAX in the video below:



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