
Trump claims a very real photo of his very fake tan line is ‘photoshopped’

A eye-opening photo of President Trump that originated from an unverified Twitter account went viral this week. According to Trump, the photo is a fake, but that’s apparently not the case.

The photo was posted to @photowhitehouse, which is run by person who goes the name “William Moon.” The photo shows Trump looking over his shoulder, with a grotesquely obvious fake tan enveloping his face. Trump’s hair is blown back by the wind in the photo, revealing the stark contrast between his actual skin tone and the fake tanner solution applied to his face.

Many on Twitter, including myself, were immediately suspicious of the photo. But as Vox’s Anya van Wagtendonk points out, Getty Images has a photo of Trump snapped on the same day, in almost the exact same moment, that shows the same contrast between Trump’s actual skin and the tan makeup. The photo was taken as Trump crossed the White House’s South Lawn after returning from a trip to North Carolina.

In a subsequent tweet, @photowhitehouse said that the photo was “never photoshopped,” but added that the “Apple smartphone’s photo app” was used “to adjust the color of the picture.” Still, according to the Getty Images photo, the fake tan line is very real.

Trump took to Twitter and claimed the photo is just more “Fake News,” but that at least his hair looks good in the face of strong winds.

Featured image via Twitter 


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