
Trump is attacking Fox News now

This Sunday, President Trump took to Twitter and resumed his usual attacks on the press, but this time around it wasn’t MSNBC or CNN in his crosshairs — it was Fox News.

In a tweet posted Sunday evening, Trump said Fox reporters John Roberts and Gillian Turner are worse at their jobs than CNN and NBC, which Trump has slandered as “fake news.”

“Never thought I’d say this but I think [John Roberts] and [Gillian Turner] have even less understanding of the Wall negotiations than the folks at FAKE NEWS CNN & NBC!” Trump tweeted.

Trump than followed up with a shout-out to his poll numbers from Hispanics.

“Look to final results! Don’t know how my poll numbers are so good, especially up 19% with Hispanics?” Trump wrote.

Trump was referring to a Marist poll that found he has a 50 percent job approval rating from Hispanics.

For this article, it was hard to narrow down exactly what Trump was taking issue with in regards to Roberts and Turner. His comments come just days after he signed a resolution to temporarily reopen the government after a 35-day shutdown, a move that his critics said was a capitulation to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA).

Trump’s comments prompted some pushback from Fox News anchor Julie Banderas, who in a series of tweets slammed the President for “bullying” and “insulting” her colleagues.

“This is NOT right,” she tweeted. “They don’t deserve this. No reporter does. They are doing their jobs and reporting the facts.”

“Our jobs are not meant to please others,” she added. “But the office of the @POTUS ought not to be the one lashing out. That’s not how this country works. That’s not how Freedom of the Press works. … Bullying journalists is not Presidential. Period.”

It’s noteworthy that it finally took Trump setting his sights on Fox News for one of their reporters to make a definitive statement about his attacks on the press.

Featured image via screen grab/YouTube

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