Trump to Christian anti-abortion group: ‘You’re gonna make a comeback if I win’

During a virtual speech to a Christian anti-abortion advocacy group on Monday, Donald Trump said the organization will “make a comeback like just about no other group” if he wins the presidency.

Trump delivered a recorded video message at the Danbury Institute’s Life and Liberty Forum, which featured which speakers from the evangelical sphere, where he vowed to defend “innocent life” if reelected.

“These are difficult times for our nation, and your work is so important. We can’t afford to have anyone sit on the sidelines,” Trump said. “Now is the time for us all to pull together and to stand up for our values and for our freedoms. And you just can’t vote Democrat.”

“We have to defend religious liberty, free speech, innocent life, and the heritage and tradition that built America into the greatest nation in the history of the world. But now we are, as you know, a declining nation,” Trump told the group, adding that Democrats are “against religion.”

“I know that each of you is protecting those values every day, and I hope we’ll be defending them side by side for your next four years,” he continued. “These are going to be your years, because you’re going to make a comeback like just about no other group.”

The group describes itself as “committed to truth and virtue in a world that validates absurdity as normal and ridicules what 10 years ago was taken for granted.” Its website likens abortion to “child sacrifice on the altar of self” and claims marriage “is a unique union between one man and one woman for life, and sexual intimacy is to be expressed only within this marital relationship.”

Sky Palma

Before launching DeadState back in 2012, Sky Palma has been blogging about politics, social issues and religion for over a decade. He lives in Los Angeles and also enjoys Brazilian jiu jitsu, chess, music and art.