Religion in Politics

Trump’s spiritual adviser uses the ‘superior blood of Jesus Christ’ to rebuke Iran

Responding to a rumor that an $80 million bounty has been placed on President Donald Trump by the Iranian regime, his “spiritual advisor” Paula White appeared in a video for the One Voice Prayer Movement calling on God to rebuke the country.

“They have declared that they have put an $80 million bounty on the head of our president. We break that right now by the superior blood of Jesus Christ!” she said, raising and clenching her fists for emphasis.

White, whose main job seems to be expunging demons from the White House, told her followers in an email last November that if they make a $229 donation, they would receive “prophetic instruction” on how to be victorious over their “enemies.”

As fact checkers have pointed out, the alleged bounty was announced by a eulogist at the funeral of Iranian general Qassem Soleiman, and is not known to be an official edict from the Iranian regime.

Watch the video below, via Right Wing Watch:

Featured image via screen grab

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