During an appearance on Todd Starnes’ Fox News radio program this Monday, megachurch pastor and “spiritual advisor to the president,” Robert Jeffress, quipped that since Democrats are pro-choice, they must be influenced by the Old Testament god Moloch, who permitted child sacrifice.
According to Jeffress, Trump is the “most pro-life” president the country has ever seen, adding that if “the left ever gets in control again, they are going to come after conservatives with a vengeance.”
He went to express disgust that the “sanctimonious Nancy Pelosi” would dare to say she prays for Trump, saying that’s just like “an arsonist, a pyromaniac with a match in his hand about to set a building on fire, saying, ‘Now pray with me that the destruction I’m about to cause isn’t too severe.'”
“If Nancy Pelosi is sincere about bringing this nation together, she will drop this impeachment effort,” Jeffress said.
Starnes then chimed in, saying that he’s not so sure which god Pelosi is praying to.
“Apparently the god they worship is the pagan god of the Old Testament, Moloch, who allowed for child sacrifice,” Jeffress fumed. “The God of the bible doesn’t sanction the killing of millions and millions of children in the womb. I think the god they are worshiping is the god of their own imagination.”
Watch the video below, via Right Wing Watch:
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