This weekend, die-hard Trump enthusiast and former sheriff David Clarke took to Twitter and called Colin Kaepernick an “opportunist.” Just to clarify, Clarke is a man who used his pro-Trump rhetoric and bashing of Black Lives Matter to almost land him a job in the White House.
Either way, the Twittersphere saw a unique opportunity to lay bare the hypocrisy behind Clark’s tweet.
Clarke posted a picture of Kaepernick with the caption: “When I see Kaepernick in the hood mentoring young black males on making better lifestyle choices then I will know his sincerity. Opportunist[.]”
When I see Kaepernick in the hood mentoring young black males on making better lifestyle choices then I will know his sincerity. Opportunist
— David A. Clarke, Jr. (@SheriffClarke) September 16, 2017
Immediately, two replies showed Kaepernick doing just that:
That time @SheriffClarke called @Kaepernick7 an opportunist & insinuated does not mentor black youth. ‘cept I met him doing exactly that.
— jelani cobb (@jelani9) September 17, 2017
Via @jelani9, plain evidence that Kapaernick has done the kind of thing Clarke said he didn’t:
— Dan Gillmor (@dangillmor) September 17, 2017
Others didn’t hold back their outrage over Clarke’s cheap attack on Kaepernick:
You don’t need to sign your tweets, Opportunist. We all know it’s you.
— Kevin M. Kruse (@KevinMKruse) September 16, 2017
He gave suits outside of a parole office and donated a million to 24 organizations.
All you do is plagiarize and wear fake ass flair.
— Tony Posnanski (@tonyposnanski) September 16, 2017
I’ve literally seen Kaepernick do this. In Oakland. Teaching the Constitution to young black men. Even got a pic as evidence.
— jelani cobb (@jelani9) September 16, 2017
Seen Kaepernick mentor with my own damn eyes. This tweet is as fraudulent as the fake medals on Clarke’s chest.
— Dave Zirin (@EdgeofSports) September 16, 2017
He has donated time & $900K to charities.
You plagiarized your thesis, let people die in your jails, wear fake, goofy ass medals.
— Erick Fernandez (@ErickFernandez) September 16, 2017
Colin Kaepernick Named NFLPA’s Week 1 Community MVP for Charitable Efforts
— #DefendDACA (@SheilaInCT) September 16, 2017
Sorry, but when I joined the Army I took an oath to defend Kap’s right to protest AND your right to disagree. Bye Felicia.
— Jim Marquez (@jimmie3507) September 17, 2017
When you gonna rewrite that bullshit fake thesis u tried pass off?
— David Alan Grier (@davidalangrier) September 17, 2017
You can see the entire Twitter thread here.