Twitter Wars

Twitter brutally debunks David Clarke’s attack on Colin Kaepernick

This weekend, die-hard Trump enthusiast and former sheriff  David Clarke took to Twitter and called Colin Kaepernick an “opportunist.” Just to clarify, Clarke is a man who used his pro-Trump rhetoric and bashing of Black Lives Matter to almost land him a job in the White House.

Either way, the Twittersphere saw a unique opportunity to lay bare the hypocrisy behind Clark’s tweet.

Clarke posted a picture of Kaepernick with the caption: “When I see Kaepernick in the hood mentoring young black males on making better lifestyle choices then I will know his sincerity. Opportunist[.]”

Immediately, two replies showed Kaepernick doing just that:

Others didn’t hold back their outrage over Clarke’s cheap attack on Kaepernick:

You can see the entire Twitter thread here.

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