Bristol Palin announced on Instagram this Thursday that she’s brought another child into this world – out of wedlock, but I’ll explain why that’s important later.
This is the second child for the daughter of 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin. According to NBC News, Family attorney John Tiemessen said he could confirm only that the Instagram account was Bristol Palin’s.
After her first child with her boyfriend Levi Johnston, Bristol unleashed her now infamous abstinence campaign, imploring young people to forgo their primordial urges unless sanctified in a (Christian, we’re assuming) union. Aside from “abstinence education” being a fairly solidly-debunked strategy for preventing unwanted pregnancies, Bristol’s campaign itself became a strong symbol utilized by pro-choicers to demonstrate its ineffectiveness.
Also read: Judge rules that ‘abstinence-only’ is illegal and not legitimate sex education
From NBC:
Palin was an 18-year-old unwed mother when she launched the abstinence campaign soon after giving birth to son Tripp in December 2008.
She was engaged to Medal of Honor recipient Dakota Meyer, but the wedding was called off days before the ceremony earlier this year.
No one knows who the father of her latest child is. Either way, we wish her all the best.
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