Twitter Wars

Vicente Fox has a great idea for a reality TV show: Survivor White House

Comparing the modern White House to reality TV is nothing new, but Mexico’s former president Vicente Fox was able to get a little more mileage out of that joke this Monday, thanks to the fact that the Twitterverse loves an old rivalry.

Earlier today, newly-minted White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci was the latest contestant to get voted off, and although he’s mainly been the subject of the resulting memes, Fox wanted to shift the focus back on the clown show that is the White House.

According to Fox, it’s like a train wreck that you can’t look away from:

The “low ratings” jab is a good one because it’s just the kind of thing that keep Trump’s black heart pumping blood, but in reality, Survivor White House is probably one of the highest rated shows in history.

Fox has trolled Trump before. In June, the former president of Mexico took aim at Trump’s proposed border wall and published a video that mocked everything from Trump’s love for Taco Bowls to his alleged daddy issues.

“Donald, under no circumstances will we pay for this stupid, useless, racist monument,” Fox said.

Watch the video below:

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