During a lecture earlier this year, theoretical physicist, cosmologist and atheist author Lawrence Krauss suggested that religion could possibly be greatly diminished from society – within just one generation – if atheists continue to teach children.
Krauss made the comment while speaking at the Victorian Skeptics Café in Australia about how children should be taught about religion from a critical perspective.
What we need to do is present comparative religion as a bunch of interesting historical anecdotes and show the silly reasons why they each did what they did. Instead of shying away from it, we have to explicitly educate people to confront their own misconceptions.
Using the examples of slavery and gay marriage, Krauss reasoned that it cannot possibly take more than one generation’s time to eradicate religion from society.
People say, ‘Well, religion has been around since the dawn of man. You’ll never change that’. … This issue of gay marriage, it is going to go away, because if you’re a child, a 13-year-old, they can’t understand what the issue is. It’s gone. One generation is all it takes.

December 11, 2014 at 1:46 am
Perfect! Religion is the cause of all problems in the world. We would be better off without it!
betsey riedl
December 11, 2014 at 7:39 am
It’s time for religion to just go away.
December 11, 2014 at 12:52 pm
Finally some good news to read with my morning coffee.
Mart Lukk
December 11, 2014 at 1:57 pm
Greed and ignorance are the cause of all problems in human existence. Politics and religion are simply the two biggest exploiters of both…
In The Grey
December 12, 2014 at 1:11 am
Being a witch we don’t worship Christian god or any of the likes.
though I do agree nothing like religion should ever be taught in school and should be left at home.
however if atheist are targeting religion to destroy it then they are no better than those whom they bitch, moan, and whine about.
Again I say religion does not belong in school and there some religions that does need to be done away with.
Only those that teach hate or idiocy.
though I will say this, I would love to see Atheist try and disprove reincarnation as that is part of many religions..
December 12, 2014 at 7:52 pm
atheist do not need to disprove something that doesn’t exist ,like reincarnation…theist that believe in it have to prove that it happens…
Mark Hurley
December 12, 2014 at 7:54 pm
We’ll give you the same answer we give the Christians: the burden of proof is on you to prove reincarnation exists. You’re making the remarkable claim that there’s such a thing as reincarnation, show us one bit of evidence, and we will consider it. Until then, you’re just making stuff up. You can’t ask the person who doesn’t believe to prove something isn’t true. Prove dragons don’t exist – – you can’t, but you don’t believe in dragons, right?
Nobody is TRYING to kill religion, though it would certainly be nice. It’s just an inevitability, optimistically, that the more educated and advanced we get, the less we need religion. Wicca (if that’s what you are) is definitely mostly harmless and isn’t the source of our ire, but it does help to spread the kind of ignorance you’re displaying on reincarnation, so the world would be better off without it. But don’t worry, we’re gunning for the Abrahamic religions, your cute little belief system is safe.
Edward J. Belanger
December 12, 2014 at 9:02 pm
In the Grey, I too am a Witch. While I would like to see the teaching of ANY Religion disappear from the schools AND public politics, I do NOT agree with the comment about Atheists trying to DISPROVE anything. Most Atheists tend to be evidence based. Accordingly they KNOW that you can NOT disprove anything at all. ALL they ask for is PROOF that what religionists assert IS in fact true.
December 12, 2014 at 9:47 pm
Atheist dont have to prove something doesnt exist…on the contrary those who believe in reincarnation have to prove that it does exist
jack howard
December 25, 2014 at 7:40 am
You wiccas owe me $1,000,000. Prove you don’t or pay up.