In an awkward moment on Fox & Friends Weekend earlier this year, an agitated Chris Wallace rejected Tucker Carlson’s attempt to address President Obama’s alleged “dog whistle” comments in a speech he made to the Congressional Black Caucus.
Wallace was expecting to talk about Ted Cruz and the government shutdown debacle that was enveloping Washington. But Carlson wanted to analyze the President’s comments, where he reassured the audience that they’ve “overcome darker threats” than the GOP’s attempts to defund Obamacare.
“That’s the race card being played,” Carlson asserted. “Can you see any other explanation for it?”
Wallace seemingly rolled his eyes and quickly changed the subject. “Oh, I don’t know,” he replied. “I think to get to the real point though, they’re not going to compromise.”
Despite Wallace’s dodge, Carlson insisted on addressing the comments. “But what do you mean?” Carlson interrupted. “Isn’t it news if the President says to the Congressional Black Caucus, ‘We’ve overcome far bigger threats’? That’s taking rhetoric to a new place, is it not?”
Wallace, looking completely frustrated with Carlson’s redirecting the conversation, paused for at least two seconds and replied, “I don’t know Tucker.”
After another few seconds of uncomfortable silence, Wallace asked, “Do you want me to talk about Obamacare?”
Watch the exchange in the video below:

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