On this weekend’s Last Week Tonight, host John Oliver slammed the televangelist and “prosperity gospel” culture which allows con artist preachers and churches to “exploit people’s faith for monetary gain.”
“The argument is, sow your money in the ground and you will reap multiple returns many time over,” Oliver said after showing a stream of clip from televangelist sermons. “Except, as an investment, you’d be better off burying your money in the actual ground because at least that way there is a chance your dog may dig it up and give it back to you one day.”
Oliver then shared a clip of evangelist Mike Murdock commanding followers with maxed-out credit cards to use those same cards to send him $1,000, promising that God will make their debt disappear as a reward.
“Think about that,” Oliver said. “That is the equivalent of saying, ‘The key to losing weight lies at the bottom of this giant Costco bulk bag of Peanut Butter M&M’s, go find it, it’s definitely down there.’”
Watch the full segment on the video below, via Last Week Tonight:

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